
My blog is below. You can also read and subscribe to my Substack, where I also write.

I also have a number of posts on my Alexander Technique focussed website, Expanding Awareness, and I have written a number of essays for Every.

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Notes on gratitude and surrender

I am not the architect of my own blessings, and that’s good

Why real change feels weird, unfamiliar and wrong

If always do what ‘feels right’, you’ll never change

Friendship is a co-adventure

I want friends who I do life with, rather than just talk about my life with

Notes on identity - authenticity vs 'profilicity'

Exploring who you are in a world where everyone is watching

Prioritising my time as a free agent

How to find the balance between all the important things

I'd rather be uncomfortable than numb

What would you give to feel sadness, if you couldn’t feel anything at all?

Signing my children away

It turns out I can want something and be scared of it at the same time


Should suppresses want

Once all the shoulds have been stripped away, the true wants can be seen

Grieve the road not taken

However life unfolds, I won’t avoid the pain of all the ways it didn’t

Choose what you want to feel rewarding

Because I don’t want to bounce around apps like a squirrel on meth

You are large, you contain multitudes

In response to the advice to “be yourself”, perhaps the answer should be “which one?”

Job titles are contemporary archetypal energies

Each role has an energy you can tune into, which drives your goals and motivation

When the body knows more than the mind

It wasn’t heartburn

Staying alive to aliveness

On the oppressive heaviness of London after six months in Bali

A densely-patterned fabric of meaningful stories

Maybe that’s all ‘home’ ever really is


The courage to feel it all

Allowing emotions fully is what lets them pass through and transform

Needing things to be finished

I'm afraid you'll see my many faults

It’s actually quite scary publishing online with a meaningfully large audience

So, now what?


Beware the trap of the long, slow decline

One of my many cautionary crypto stores

Be aware of the rhythms that bind you

It’s easy to get recalibrated by unhelpful signals

Why I created a limited company instead of remaining a sole trader

Crabs helping each other out of the bucket

This is the emergency crablift department

Getting my business to nudge me towards behaviours I want

If I want to read, grow and learn, my business must facilitate that

Writing gives you access to the online game

Striving for the good qualia

Why I love Anjunabeats

All at once or not at all

Why I am good at short form, but rarely do long form

We must be able to talk about taboos

Discursive blind spots limit our ability to act usefully

Building my kind of lifestyle business

I want spaciousness, not a grind

Quitting my job was a no-regrets move

How fear setting made me realise it was pretty much all upside

Paying myself properly as a solopreneur

I've exercised a lot somehow

Be original by not trying to be original

Because trying is just doing what you already know, with more effort

In my oasis delightful gardens shall grow

Stopping the habitual suppression of creative ideas

Greasing the creative groove

It’s easier to keep the flywheel spinning than to get it started

Being self-directed is its own work

The role of manager is necessary and doesn’t go away when self-employed

An idea cannot exist out of context

Why merely copying and pasting is dangerous

Fumbling for legibility in Alexander Technique

But making it legible is the work, so let’s go

The paradox of an untroubled life

A little (or a lot) of suffering can go a long way

Revenge Productivity — and navigating its absence

Different kinds of authority

Do you follow the message or the speaker?

Where do words come from when writing?

When the void talks back

Please keep writing

Making money online by teaching people how to make money online

How to get the most from Write of Passage

From the perspective of a three-time mentor

Navigating the vulnerability hangover

I said what???

I wouldn't start from here — recovering from burnout

The story of how much life changed direction

Not caring lets us perform better

Starting a regular writing and publishing habit


Fall down; get up - cultivating an anti-fragile identity

In which I look for the silver lining

The cognitive benefits of the ketogenic diet

Practicing Zen

Learning to be with what is, rather than run away

My ultimate guide to public speaking

An emotionally resonant step by step system for nailing any public talk

Mind-wandering and the dark side of productivity

How suppression of the Default Mode Network blocks constructive daydreaming

Let the others find you

Someone needs to go first. It may as well be you.

How to use fear as a tool for growth

Tune into the somatic sense of fear to stay at your growth edge

How to be Superman

Why Alexander Technique is the difference between Superman and Clark Kent

How should we think about carbon removal?

Where is the middle way between techno-optimism and deindustrialisation?

Exploring who we are through awe

What takes your breath away, and what does that tell you about yourself?

Integrating non-doing with global systemic change

Or how to get out of the way of collective unfoldment