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Hi, I’m Michael. I’m a free agent exploring the awareness arts, what it means to be human and how we can orient towards a badass future. Aside from a year of travel in 2022, I have lived in London since 2006, my entire adult life.


I’m a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, a practice that helps people unify their minds and bodies, let go of unconstructive patterns of thought and movement, and move through the world with greater ease and aliveness. I made a self-paced online course on the subject, which more than 1500 people have purchased since I launched it in 2021.

I’m a coach practicing a method called Integral Unfoldment, which starts from the premise that everything is complete as it is and explores why the natural unfoldment of growth may be blocked, looking to resolve those impediments and allowing life to take its course unimpeded. My coaching is also informed by various practices, including the aforementioned Alexander Technique.

I’m a writer. You can read my Substack, I’ve written a number of essays for Every and I write posts here. I also have a dedicated website, Expanding Awareness, where I focus more on Alexander Technique and adjacent ideas.

I’m a YouTuber. I mostly make one-take videos where I ad lib on things that interest me. I have plans to expand into more sophisticated video essays, but I’m not quite there yet.


Before embarking on this phase of my life, I worked for ten years in low carbon energy innovation in the UK, with a particular focus on electricity networks.

Here are some of the jobs I did:

  • 2019 - 2021 | Manager, Power & Utilities, KPMG
  • 2016 - 2019 | Innovation Manager, National Grid Electricity System Operator
  • 2015 - 2016 | Managing Director, Outsmart Insight (a crowdworking-based tech insight and foresight company)
  • 2011 - 2015 | Various analyst-y roles, Carbon Trust (a low carbon consultancy)

I have a Master’s degree in Environmental Technology, specialising in energy policy, and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, both from Imperial College London.


I have a newsletter where I write semi-regularly, which you’re welcome to subscribe to.